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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Book and Movie Review: Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes Investigates: Stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, selected and introduced for new readers by Michael and Mollie Hardwick, AF, 1963, 232p, rating=5
source: library

Recently for date night my husband and I saw the movie Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows and I absolutely loved it!  So I had to get my hands on the book.  Well, I ended up with this compilation instead.  What a gem of a find.  According to this book, Sir Doyle wrote 4 long stories and 56 short ones.  This collection gave an excerpt of one of the long ones and six short ones, indeed a wonderful introduction to new readers of Sherlock Holmes stories.  I ate it all up!  I think I found myself a favorite mystery author and character.  I enjoyed the cleverness of the Sherlock Holmes adventures and his summations of them ... reminds me of the TV series Monk but I would put Sherlock Holmes in a class of elegance. 

Just to note the stories that are included in this book:
  • Mr Sherlock Homes Meets Dr. Watson
  • The man with the Twisted Lip
  • The Speckled Band
  • The Red-headed League
  • The Engineers Thumb
  • The Reigate Squires
  • The Blue Carbuncle
My quote-ables:
"I have usually found that there was ethod in his madness.  Some folk might say there was madness to his method." The Reigate Squires
"My name is Sherlock Homes.  It is my business to know what other people don't know." The Blue Carbuncle

    Now for the movie review.  Well, as I mentioned I absolutely loved this movie.  The acting was superb, the music was fabulous, and the special/visual effects was incredible!  It was hilarious and action packed. I'm not a big fan of Robert Downey Jr. but now he's on my radar.  The whole cast was great!  Really, if you want to see a very entertaining movie, this is it!  You'll get your money's worth.  Loved it!!  :)


    1. I love Sherlock Holmes and I'm glad to see these movies and the new BBC Sherlock revive interest.

      Thanks for the review!

    2. Nice review of the movie. Downey Jr makes a very interesting Sherlock Holmes.

      I liked the first movie. I need to check this one out.


    3. Belated you're welcome Sophia!

      Thank you Buddy! Yes, go check this movie out! --Can you believe it, I haven't seen the first one!


    Thank you for taking the time to write a comment. You are fabulous! :)

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